Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 2012 Newsletter

On September the 25th, 2012 Blanco River Village Homeowners attended a City Planning and Zoning meeting to discuss the addition of a linear park to replace the portion of road that would have been a continuation of Rush Haven. The linear park was proposed to run in between the single family homes that are to be built at the end of Rush Haven.The following picture shows the already approved plan that Bigelow had in place. 

The following image portrays the proposed amendment of the additional of a linear park. 

Most of the residents were in approval of the linear park, however, there were some concerns that parking would become an issue, and for those with children, it was a concern that crossing the road from the current children's park to the green space would be dangerous. Prior to the meeting there were also concerns that the previously approved single family homes were changing to courtyard style homes, but Bigelow confirmed that the amendment would not change the style of homes to be built and they would remain as the previously approved single family style homes. 

The linear park was approved with the stipulation that the builder must add pedestrian crossings from the current park area to the linear park. The hopes are that the linear park will one day lead to the City Park by the River. The green space of the linear park will be open for use by the entire Blanco River Village Community. If you would like to learn more about the addition of the linear park you can view the footage from the planning and zoning meeting below.

To view the rest of this newsletter please click the Read More link below.